Thursday, 29 September 2016

Sarbvir Singh

Pakistan is always in an existential crisis, a deep-seated doubt as to its ability to endure as a nation. 

A product of India's Partition, not of its own natural identity, Pakistan suffered another major partition in 1971. It is remains afraid of further divisions.

To keep itself together, Pakistan has to manufacture a perpetual war against India. Pakistan's only real identity is negative, not being Indian, not being Hindu, not even being tolerant to Islamic minorities like Shia and Ahmadiyya, being the land of the Islamic Pure, which has drawn it into jihadi violence on a massive scale.


Pakistan was constituted from disparate states of British India. Balochistan was an independent kingdom.

The North West Frontier Province was historically a part of Afghanistan. Punjab, though the homeland of Pakistani nationalist sentiment and Islamic identity, was under Sikh rule before it came under British rule.

It had to be partitioned to remove its large Hindu and Sikh population. Yet Pakistan Punjabis still share more of a heritage with Hindu and Sikh Punjabis, than with other groups in Pakistan. Sindh was part of Bombay Presidency under British rule.

While it initially opted to join Pakistan on religious grounds, many Sindhis including its main leader GM Syed soon regretted the decision.

Balochistan, which became an independent nation in 1947, was soon annexed by Pakistan, which many Balochis did not accept and actively challenged, resulting in an extensive and enduring insurgency that Pakistan has ruthlessly tried to crush, though so far without success.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan were taken by Islamabad after its invasion of the Kashmir in 1947. Yet they hold very different cultures than Punjab, and have been suppressed accordingly.

Pakistan was formed by the demand of Indian Muslims mainly in Uttar Pradesh, the majority of which never migrated to Pakistan.

Those who did migrate become another disparate group, the Mohajirs who mainly displaced Sindhis, creating a further division in Sindh and an unclear identity of their own.

Pakistan's dominant language became Urdu, a language none of its provinces had as their mother tongue.

So, Pakistan is not a nation but a conglomeration of contrary elements moving in different directions, held together only by a state-enforced religious fanaticism and military aggression.

Pakistan reminds us of the sad state of affairs in the Middle East where the British and French created artificial nations by drawing lines on maps according to their convenience. Modern Iraq and Syria were created in this manner.

Some regions that had an historical unity like Kurdistan were partitioned among the new nations.

Iraq and Syria share a same Islamic religion, divided into Sunni majority and Shia minority groups, like Pakistan. Their common Islamic background has not resulted in any internal unity, but instead now a Shia-Sunni civil war devastating the region.

It has given rise to the brutal Islamic State (ISIS). Pakistan is facing similar divisions but is becoming its own Islamic State.


Pakistan was created by a religious demand. Since Muslims and Hindus existed throughout India, it required an artificial division of the entire country and a displacement of millions that could only remain incomplete.

But India as a country and a culture has a millennial existence honoured since ancient Greece and ancient China. It has a great influence, extending to Indochina and Indonesia, now worldwide with the spread of its yogic and meditation traditions.

In spite of having a larger population and separatist movements notwithstanding, India has sustained a greater national unity, democratic rule and economic development than Pakistan.

This is because of its dharmic roots that promote tolerance and respect. Yet many Indians have wanted to undo Partition. This has sadly made India soft on Pakistan, like a long lost brother. Others feel that if Pakistan broke up, the resultant instability would be worse for India.


Pakistan has emphasised the Kashmir issue to sustain its national identity as an Islamic state against India.

Under the pretext of reclaiming Kashmir, it has tried to create a common cause with its different provinces that are only kept together by religious motivations.

But even so, its Kashmir jihad has not been sufficient to calm the separatist feelings of Pakistan's different regions.

India has strangely ignored these separatist movements within Pakistan, though Pakistan has continued to blatantly foster separatist and terrorist movements in India. Such a policy did not help India or restrain Pakistan.

Only this year did Prime Minister Narendra Modi first raise the cause of Balochistan. His statements sent shockwaves through Pakistan, forcing it to see its own inherent contradictions.

The conclusion is clear: Indians should stop trying to excuse Pakistan, feeling that its break-up would be dangerous, and face the fact that since Independence, with more jihadi and tactical nuclear weapons, Pakistan has only become worse.

Pakistan is already the most dangerous country in the world and is not likely to get better. Pakistan as a terrorist state now threatens the entire world.

Most terrorists visit Pakistan, are trained in Pakistan or are associated with Pakistanis.

Arising from its original identity as a jihadi state, Pakistan has made itself into the centre of global terrorism. Pakistan must be dealt with accordingly, not with Gandhian sympathies but with Arjuna's resolve. 

Friday, 23 September 2016

                                                  Major Gen Harsha Kakar 

The seventh pay commission as announced was unacceptable to the military and left them simmering due to lowering of their status as compared to their counterparts from other central services. The absurdity of the pay commission chief, to justify his actions by aiming to create equality in all cadres joining through a common exam (civil services exam), indicated his personal enmity against the military. I wonder if the learned judge was aware, that the military inducts its officer cadre at a much younger age, where the competition is equally severe. Further, he would neither have been briefed (as there was no military representative), that selection to the military is far more stringent than other services. The four- day interview has been known to be a rejection criterion rather than a selection one. It only approves those select few, with qualities of patriotism and leadership. There are no quotas allocated to the selection boards. Hence, it is this specially selected lot, which has sacrificed its life for the nation, countless times.

I wonder which other service can boast of such intense national pride and sacrifice. Yet, since independence the military has been systematically downgraded, which it accepted without a murmur. Even its pensions, which were initially 70% were brought down in the third pay commission (1973) to 50%, with a promise of OROP, which remained ignored for decades. This was an intentional action, as it occurred post India’s biggest victory over Pakistan and the commission for the first time, had no military representative. The final release of OROP was below promised levels, however, the formation of the Reddy commission to look into the anomalies, has presently quelled fires.

While dissent is acceptable in a democracy, the same may not be said for the military. Civilian employees agitated against the pay commission award, to which the government immediately responded positively. A threat of strike by them, makes the government rush to accept demands. However, military discipline and ethos does not permit itto resort to such action. In every case, where it has felt downgraded or affected, it has voiced its concerns and left the decision makers, which comprise the polity and bureaucracy to resolve the issue. Thus over the years, anomalies and disagreements have piled up, with no end in sight. Knowing that a disciplined force would never resort to any undemocratic means, they are heard and subsequently ignored.

Further, the pay commission came immediately after the OROP agitation, which was followedon social media by members of the military, after all every soldier of today is a potential veteran of tomorrow. 93% of the military, retires between the ages of 35 to 45,after having sacrificed their youth for the country and then are ignored and dumped. The agitation was aimed at protecting future retirees. The subsequent anomalies and downgrading the status of the military in the pay commission further impacted the organization. Disgruntlement only increased and became more visible. The committee of secretaries ordered by the government to resolve the differences, had no military member, hence its decision was the final nail in the coffin.

The battle for status involves more than just salary. In fact, salary has never been the issue. The status impact comes to the fore when the military functions with different Government agencies in matters concerning national security and calamities. Its lowered status makes working with bureaucrats and civil police officials more complicated, as it alters the rank structure,hence affects coordination and cooperation. The nation works on status;therefore, a higher status officer would never cooperate or be willing to work jointly with a junior from another service. Simultaneously, within the military are civilian members of other central services. A change in status affects its organization and working structure.

The glaring anomalies left behind over years of down gradation have made members of the military, feel like second class citizens serving the nation. While the head of the pay commission, had clearly shown his anger and hatred for the military, by degrading them, the Government and its so-called mature senior bureaucratic leadership did no better. The words of the Prime Minister praising the military, his spending Diwali with troops and senior lady ministers tying Rakhi to soldiers in remote areas, in reality appear to be actions of publicity, rather than genuine concern.

Never in the history of the country had the service chiefs been compelled, to openly refuse to accept the recommendations of the pay commission, but the writing on the wall of dissent across the rank and file was clear. They realized, that they need to serve whom they command, rather than their political leaders. Had theyrelented, they would have been accused of a sell-out, which would remain a blotch, on their otherwise spectacular career. Hence, such an action was resorted to. It had to indicate to the political leadership, in clear terms,that enough damage had been done and it was time to rectify the same.Taking the silent military for granted and treating them as second class citizens, had to stop. It also conveyed that concerns are genuine and unless immediate action is taken, there would be lack of coordination, when operations are launched jointly. The present is also a challenging time, as the military battles increased terrorism and supports the police in restoring normalcy in the Valley even as it faces severe loss of life as in the recent Uri encounter.

However, a disciplined force always remains one. The message has been conveyed and Government action awaited. The words of service chiefs are gospel down the line (unlike any other Government service), hence though there would remain murmurs, however trust and faith in the system would be restored. The soldier has to look up the organization tree for satisfaction and they cannot let him down. It is now upto the defence and Prime Ministers to prove their genuine concern for the military and restore its rightful status. If they fail to do so, all their actions so far, would be viewed by the nation as a publicity stunts and their promises hollow. The nation is proud of its military and knows it would never be let down. Therefore, in the ultimate analysis, it is for the people of India to observe government action in correcting the wrongs done on the silent and dependable military and decide whether the present political leadership can be trusted to keep their words. If they fail to keep their promise, then the nation can reconsider whom to vote for, in the coming elections.

Friday, 16 September 2016


Para 310 (1) of the Constitution :

"Except as expressly provided by this Constitution, every person who is a member of a defence service or of a civil service of the Union or of an all-India service or holds any post connected with defence or any civil post under the Union holds office during the pleasure of the President, and every person who is a member of a civil service of a State or holds any civil post under a State holds office during the pleasure of the Governor of the State".

Can any one, but the blind, fail to note the 

order of precedence laid down in the 

Constitution, in the above clause, which 

remains  unchanged to this day?

Every soldier takes an oath to defend the Constitution of India with his life. Each member of the GoI also swears to uphold the Constitution of India. While the soldier lives true to his oath, members of the GoI have,  invariably, trodded roughshod on the provisions of the Constitution, which gave pride of place to the Defenders of the Nation.

To the successive GoIs since independence, despite the unblemished and glorious record of service and achievements of the Defence Forces of our great Nation called Bharat, we are just disposables expendables, they have to protect the Nation against by continuously defrocking, degrading and dishonouring them, from generation to generation, except in the times of war, when a fake sense of nationalism makes them  remember the sacrifices of the soldiers.

Booting Down of Military Officers Since 1947.

Following every Indian Military victory, (1947- '48, '64 - '65, '71, '87, '99) : 
the Armed Forces have been systematically shoved down, further and further, in the Order of Precedence of Official Protocol. Today, as a result of the 7th CPC and the GoI's willful support of the former's recommendations: 
a highly skilled soldier, wielding sophisticated weaponry, standing as a bulwark against two enemies with nefarious designs, in the most inhospitable and forbidding terrains in the entire world  has, unbelievably, been placed below the Class 'D' 'chappal' wearing, paan chewing peons, pattering around in the central govt's offices.
                      SHAME, SHAME, UTTER SHAME
Immediate Pre And Post 1962. 
What Pt Nehru's lack of comprehension and the egoistic incompetence of Krishna Menon did to the Defence Forces of the Country, leading up to the disaster of 1962, is too well recorded to bear further description.  Suffice to say that the Defence Forces were forced to fight an unequal war, in unequal conditions, in a totally unprepared half clad, half fed state, in a terrain where they had never been before, the geography of which was not known in the absence of updated maps and against an enemy whose strength and locations were totally unknown. One of the finest Armies was simply overwhelmed ten to one, by an enemy who was well prepared, well equipped and operating in a terrain, well known to him.

The deplorable actions taken by the GoI immediately after the 1962 war, do, however, deserve mention for the Country to know :
the three Chiefs of Staff were put below the newly created Cabinet Secretary. Major Generals were demoted to a rank  below Director of the Intelligence Bureau.
It took the Armed Forces six long years to build up along our     Northern borders through sweat and toil, 24x7, to position themselves from where they could give a bloody nose to the Chinese across the Nathu La, when the latter tried to play mischief in that area in 1968.
Post 1965. 
For centuries, invaders from the West, had plundered, killed and subjugated Indians, but in 1965, the tide was reversed. Following the Military's stupendous show, with equipment dating WWII but possessing incredible honour, fervor and training in its ranks, against a better equipped enemy which boasted of much superior weaponry, supplied by USA : 
the Chiefs of Staff of the three Services were further downgraded below the Attorney General.

Post 1968. 
The Army's courageous show at Nathu La was duly rewarded by placing the Major Generals below the Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.

Creation of History In 1971. 
The brilliant path breaking war was fought  by the Indian Armed Forces to, forever, be engraved in golden letters in the Annals of Military History, creating a new Nation and forcing the entire Eastern Army of Pakistan to surrender 'en masse', resulting, for the first time since WWII, in 93,000 PsOW on our hands. The reward ? 
double demotion for the three Service Chiefs, who were booted below the Comptroller and Auditor-General, (Who was previously below Lieutenant Generals). 
The Lieutenant Generals were pulled below the Chief Secretaries, who were previously ranked lower than Major Generals.
Even though the creator of Military History was, unprecedently, made a Field Marshal, he had to die in penury, unheralded and unsung, utter;y neglected by the GoI, in a small Military townhip, tucked away in the Nilgiri hills. 

Return of IPKF in 1987
Our brave soldiers were sent as saviors, but finally were made to return almost as fugitives, despised by our own, while the GoI looked on unconcerned, causing deep hurt in the psyche of the soldiers, both serving and retired.

The Saga of Kargil
The History of the perfidy of Pakistan Army, has been described by their own Chief of Air Staff, who retired just before the operation. Even Musharraf himself has subsequently boasted about it as his brilliant manoeuvre. And yet, the Indian Armed Forces, against all odds, in heroic battle after battle, suffering heavy casualties of all ranks, threw the enemy out of each and every forbidding peak, over looking to vital road artery to the forward areas of Laddakh and the Kargil town itself.
The Indian Army sacrificed over 500 of its young braves in  the median age of 20 - 35 yrs, winning 4 PVCs, 9 MVCs and 27 VCs. 
While the body bags were still being received from the high altitude battle fields, the 'Coffin Gate' had already been enacted by some honourless perfidious politicians.
While a Naval Chief had already been cursorily dismissed from service while the Operation Vijay was on the anvil, the architect of the stupendous victory, Gen VP Malik, recognised the world over for his excellent leadership, has been left to lead a quite incognito life at Panchkula, unheralded and unrewarded by the GoI.

While the soldiers keep laying down their lives for the defense of the Nation in war after war, in skirmishes after skirmishes with the enemy at the inhospitable and forbidding frontiers, What does the GoI do? Sample :
Referring to a highly decorated ex Defence Chief,  the RM of the Country, during his speech in the Parliament says, "Woh Chote loag haen" (They are small people).
Soldiers are no big deals. They are mere employees of the Govt, paid to do their job.

Against both the despicable utterances, the World is yet to hear even a whimper from a grateful Nation.

Let the Nation know that an Indian soldier is not a mercenary and does not lay down his life for the money he is paid, but for the defense of his Motherland, for the honour of his 'Paltan', for his own honour and dignity and most of all for the camaraderie he has with his brother soldiers, either side of him, whom he cannot let down, as they charge the enemy in the face of hail of enemy bullets from the front, without the victims name on them and bombardment from above.

A soldier who trains hard and goes in to battle whenever required for the defense of his Nation must be secure in his mind that he is an honoured member of the society, his future, once he hangs up his boots is secure and in the eventuality  of him not returning from the battle field, his family's future is secure too. 

The present govt won elections and came to power with moral support of the soldier, both serving and the veterans, based on the tall promises, now proven to be fake 'Jumlas'). Countless 'Revaries' were stage managed, all most all of which have turned out to be the same.

To an honour bound soldier, fake and deliberately broken promises are sacrilege. The Nation and its Govt must look after the soldiers' interests, with a heart and mind matching the ones the soldier goes to the battle field with in defense of the Nation.

Soldiers never had to fight for their rights but pushed to the wall from where he can be marginalised no further and into the abyss, from where he can go no deeper, he would know how to fight his constitutional battle too, albeit constitutionally. 

The soldier, today, is crying out to his fellow citizens and to the law makers to free him of the burden of unfair treatment, so that he can devote all his energy to defend the Nation unhindered by worry of ,"What will happen ....? ".

A time has come when he can take it no more. It is for the GoI to sit up and take note that this 'playing with fire' cannot go on any more. the end of the road of the soldiers' patience and forbearance has been reached. The GoI cannot create a smoke screen of unending committees and commissions to deny the soldier his RIGHTFUL PLACE in the Nation and his RIGHTFUL COMPENSATION.

                 The time is now, now, now

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Major Prakash Patil 
As edited by Samuel Dhar

1. Last year, the three Chiefs of Defence Services, submitted to you
    a detailed study report of 9o0 pages on their objections on 7th CPC 
    recommendations. You, however,  did not act upon this study. 
    Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

2. All 900 pages of the above mentioned Report do not pertain to the 

     officers class alone. Bulk of the Report is affecting JCOs and Other 
     Ranks (OR & not PBORs). Additionally, most of the 83 pending 
     issues of the 5th CPC, pertain to JCOs and OR. Instead  of  
     addressing them holistically, a concerted effort was  surreptitiously 
     made to infiltrate a few veterans in various veteran groups, to 
     create a wedge between Officers, JCOs and OR. You did not act on 
     the above/afore - mentioned representations/reports.
     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

3. On 19 Dec 2015, in a rare move, all the three Service Chiefs gave a 

     joint memorandum to you, expressing their concerns about the 7th 
     CPC recommendations. You did not act upon it. 
     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

4. Neither in the 7th CPC, nor in the recent, 'Empowered Committee 

     of  Secretaries', was any member from the Defence Forces, 
     comprising 30.9 % of Central Govt employees, was appointed, 
     though there were 9 members from IAS and one each from the 
     Railways etc. 

     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

5. Six months ago, On 11 March 2016, a very high quality, exhaustive 

     Power Point Presentation was given by TRIPAS, to the Empowered 
     Committee of Secretaries, in the presence of the three Service 
     Chiefs. The Cabinet Secretary appreciated the presentation, but 
     neither the Empowered Committee nor you acted on any of the 
     points of the ppt. 

     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

6. Since the Parliamentary Elections Speech, (Subsequently termed 

     Jumla), of Mr Modi at Rewari in March 2014, we ESMs are being 
     falsely taunted about the OROP, when actually you gave us just a 
     fig leaf (OR5P). 

     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

7. The whole Country was made to believe, with the help of a 
     concerted psywar, that OROP would need a huge outflow of     
     12,000 Crs, at the cost of poor people, while in your scheme of 
     things, your chosen Crony Capitalists, continue to feed on them like 
     vultures. In reality the outcome, as on date, is only 2,300 Crs. 

     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

8. Even the pittance all ranks of the three Armed Forces received as

     OR5P, (As also the previous entitlements since 2008), is 
     not being paid by PDA banks to veterans & veernaris, especially the 
     poor jawans, settled in far flung villages. You have no time, inkling 
     or aptitude to understand this critical shortcoming and initiate 
     remedial action.

     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

9. We are told that you have just ordered the three Service Chiefs to 

     first implement the 7th CPC, then and then alone will you proceed 
     to address the anomalies. 

     Why should we trust you now, Mr Parrikar?

Here is a small comparison of the average monthly pensions of soldiers/civilians of the Defence Forces and the Babus of the Babudum (IAS)  :


Total Pensioners                                                   :    25,00,000
Total Budget                                                           :    33,000 Crs
Average Pension per Pensioner                      :    15,050 /- pm

Total Pensioners                                                   :    5,32,000
Total Budget                                                           :    21,000 Crs
Average Pension per Pensioner                      :    33,680 /- pm

Total Pensioners                                                   :    2,95,000
Total Budget                                                           :     33,500 Crs
Average Pension per Pensioner                      :    93,930 /- pm


Sunday, 11 September 2016


9/11 has once more come & gone; 15 of them in all, but I still remember the events of that fateful day, as if it had happened yesterday.

I was out since early morning, hammering in white pebbles into the meter wide path to the letter box. It was the last bit of work left in the landscaping of my 1-in-a-trillion daughter's pretty bungalow in Athens, Georgia, USA, built on a near 1 acre parcel of land, with steep slopes on two sides. 

It was nearly 9 when I came back indoors and  after washing up, flopped on a sofa. I switched the TV on, changed to CNN and OMG, what do I and my wife see, happening live in front of our eyes!!!

A huge plane crashing into the 110 story Tower 2 (South) at the World Trade Center, Lower Manhattan, NY, and saw it  crumble like a house of cards before we could have said Jack Robbins. Tower 1, (North), also of 110 story, had already been destroyed, minutes ago. The two towers were spread over an area of over 14.5 Acres. The news of Pentagon attack and of the downing of another plane, headed for Washington DC, when it was deliberately crashed by its pilot in an open field of Stonycreek Township, followed soon after. 

In a matter of minutes, the well coordinated assault on the mightiest power on Earth, was over, leaving t
housands of innocents dead, much larger numbers injured and a total cost to the Nation of around US$ 3 Trillion.

This was a dastardly act by a bunch of cowards, propped by an despicably insane man, hiding like a rat in his bill in the mountains of Af - Pak border, & his terrorist organisation called 'Al Qaeda'.

It was not just the physical destruction caused by those rats, scheming from their hell holes; a mighty Nation's pride had been ground to dust, before they could even wholly understand the enormity of it all. It was akin to the sly manner of cutting-off the manes of the legendary Samson.

A soldier of India, today, still remembers and salutes the indomitable spirit of America, which rose as one, without petty recriminations, to face the challenge before  the Nation and finally came out on top through relentless, single minded pursuit of the culprits, hunting them down, fishing each of them  out of their rat holes and bringing them to justice.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. 
America must persevere with its policy of unceasing vigil on its borders and inland too, to ensure that never again do these scums of humanity get another opportunity to re-enact another horror story on its soil, even if it means going to the end of the world to hunt and destroy the terrorists.

We as a Nation have some thing to learn and imbibe.