Friday, 8 July 2016


       We have been nicely fooled while implementing the   4th Pay commission recommendations on RANK PAY, now the 7th Pay commission is trying to cheat us by confusing the whole issue of Pension formula.  The commission has recommended two formulas. Let us take the 2nd formula which is going to be implemented immediately, while the 1st formula which need more study, they say.

        In this case, the Initial Basic Pension drawn under VI CPC (With increments in the PB in which one retired)+ GP should be multiplied by 2.57 will be the present pension.  In this case where the OROP stand?
The amount drawn under OROP scheme will therefore be subjected to RECOVERY and will be adjusted after fixing under the new formula.  This is what I understood, you are requested give your views on this point.

        We will get the benefit of 7th CPC, only if the formula applied after taking into account of OROP i.e. pension last drawn and NOT the pension on 1.1.2006.  
        The 6th CPC has already given a formula for revision of pension wef 1.1.2006 which was implemented. so it is NOT clear why this formula is being changed now - only to  NULLIFY the OROP and in the case of Civ , it is eqv to OROP. 

         I, therefore, feel that the formula now proposed by the 7th CPC should be made applicable with reference to the pension being drawn as on 1/1/2016.  

         We must ascertain what the service chiefs has to say on this.  The NFU and Allowances in Gauhati etc are the issues which Service HQs should handle firmly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. True, the 7CPC will certainly nullify the OROP (effective from 02-07-2014) as it is effective at a later date to the 6CPC date of implementation (01-01-2006). Unless the OROP scales are amended proportionally to the 7CPC scales of the respective QS and ranks there is no justification to the OROP scales in vogue as on date. If the uniformed personnel of the defense forces are penalized by recovering the earlier arrears and the OROP additional pension enjoyed from 01 Jul 2014, they will be drawing the normal 6CPC based 7 CPC pensions. Whole of the OROP effective from 01 Jul 2014 will become a hoax, a lip service and an intensional folly by the BJP led NDA government. The Justice Reddy commission must take this aspect into consideration and make effective the clause in the definition of the OROP, "Future enhancements in the rates of pension would be automatically passed on to the past pensioners," which will establish a decent parity in the rate of pension of OROP already in vogue and the new scales under the 7CPC, as in simple terms, OROP implies that uniform pension be paid to the Armed Forces personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of their date of retirement. It is a must that the gap between rate of pension of current pensioners and past pensioners must be bridged at every change now and here after.
