Thursday, 3 December 2015


This blog is a public platform.

I urge each of our sisters, brothers and friends of Bharat to listen to this broadcast from the AIR, Bangaluru. 

It is an eye opening enumeration of how our citizens have passively allowed the fraternity of the most noble profession of the World to be consistently cheated in India since independence in utter ingratitude for defending our freedom with their lives. 

We need to keep reciting Chanakya, "A nation which dishonours its soldiers, has no right to exist".

To quote what Chankya said to his mighty King, Chandragupta Maurya :

"Pataliputra rests each night in peaceful comfort, O King, secure in the belief that the distant borders of Magadha are inviolate and the interiors are safe and secure, thanks only to the Mauryan Army standing vigil with naked swords and eyes peeled for action, day and night, in weather fair and foul, all eight praharas (round the clock), quite unmindful of personal discomfort and hardship, all through the year, year after year.
While the citizenry of the State contributes to see that the State prospers and flourishes, the soldier guarantees that it continues to EXIST as a State! 
To this man, O Rajadhiraja - 
you owe a debt: please, therefore, see to it, on your own, that the soldier continuously gets his dues in every form and respect, be they his needs or his wants, for he is not likely to ask for them himself.
The day the soldier has to demand his dues will be a sad day for Magadha for on that day, you will have lost all moral sanction to be the King!

It is time O! my sisters, brothers and friends of this great Nation Bharat, that we stood up and raised our mighty collective voice against the systematic assasination of the honour and dignity of the defenders of our Nation.

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