The Nazis not only propounded the above thruth, but practised it too, and very successfully at that.
The avowed goal of the Nazis was to exterminate the Jews from the surface of the Earth. They wanted the Germans to believe that the Jews were evil and, therefore, hate them enough to feel happy to kill them unrepentently.
The first big lie that Goebels, their minister of propoganda, spread is that the Jews ritually killed small white German Christian children and sprinkled their blood on to their unleavened bread before eating it during passover. The Germans believed it, resulting in the greatest holocaust in the history of the World, a history that the Germans will never ever be able to wipe out from their collective concience.
Who was the only person in the post nazi world, who applauded this unforgivable act of the Germans ? Who but our own 'Poojiya Guruji', as brought out in my last blog.
The fanatical followers of the 'Guruji' at last have the opportunity to practise it in this vast country called 'Bharat', also called 'India', home to 125 crores citizens; a 'Bharat' that they have usurped as only their own. The rest, who do not subscribe to their 'Guruji's' teachings, can go to hell, for all they care.
So, how did they begin ?
Step number 1.
Paralyse both houses of Parliament, while in opposition, in every which way, hold up hundreds of good legislations and then accuse the Govt of policy paralysis. They also do their damndest best to spread canards with lies and half truths.
Step number 2.
Select a man in the same image, who spreads mega falsehood on a macro scale, waves his majic wand and captures the hearts and minds of a large number of voting Indians, (31.34%), with his wild promises.
He did not even leave the Soldiers from his ambit, promising to bestow within 100 days of coming to power, any thing and every thing that they wanted the earlier Govts to give, only for his minions to subsequently say that it was the fault of the simple soldiers to believe election jumlas!
Not to leave anything to chance, he handpicked his alterego to engineer polarisation of the electorate by spreading intercommunity hatred, in state after state, before elections there.
He finally captured the seat of Power with a massive majority.
Step number 3.
Minions let loose to flood the Nation with waves of intolerance, terrifying, browbeating and bringing to submission every dissenting voice.Where law could not be applied, the minions either manufacture 'truth' or simply make themselves the law, with the real law looking the other way.
The minions include, not just lowly members of the 'Parivar', but even high ranking ministers of the Govt, inciting people to commit riot and arson, including killing in broad day light. As I have written in my last blog, not even a serving soldier's family has been spared.
The greatest of minds and honoured achievers of the Nation, including a Bharat Ratna Scientist, protesting the wave of intolerance, were labled co-conspirators in destabilsing the lawfully elected Govt.
The iron hand of the Govt suppresses any and every dissent, just like in the Nazi Germany; no one else matters, but 'The Man'. The others are only 'fill-in-the-blanks', meant to carry out the wishes of the master puppeteer.
He roams the world at will, selfying himself with world leaders, which he prompmtly tweets with. Wearing multiple 'mukhowtas' of rank falsehood, he pontificates at each station of halt, with his Anthonian oratory, before orchastrated crowds, beamed live by subservient prestitute media, which fools few in the Country.
That it takes more to run a Country as vast as Bharat, is being slowly, but steadily realised by the 'aam' janata.
Step number 4, (The failed trial of Delhi and Bihar).
In the absence of visible development and unkept promises, what had worked during the 2014 Parliamentary General Elections, subsequently failed to deliver in state after state; cries of, 'Pakistan may pathake bajenge' and 'Maine aap logoke liye ek laakh pachchis hazaar crore rupay diye hain!' notwithstanding.
People have seen through the falsified shows of the Madaari and his Jambhura.
Step number 5.
To break the unity of the people against him, the India's Hitler and his minions, undertake a planned 'make-or-break' endeavour to disintegrate different sections of the society, by running with the hare of development and hunting with the hound of bigotry. As a result -
Deliberate actions designed to bring down the status and the image of the only unsullied enitity till date - the Armed Forces :
A soldier graded below the central govt
The status of the Armed Forces brought
below even the most corrupt police
With nearly 50,000 highly trained
soldiers sitting on the sidelines at
Pathankot, as mere spectators, bring in
the NSG, (Under the overall directions
of the NSA), to eliminate just four
terrorists inside an Airforce base,
resulting in the death of seven brave
hearts. They even manufactured two
more terrorists, not a shred of whose
remains have been found in the
building reduced to rubble by the NSG,
despite intensive search by forsenic
Counter to the protests by trumped-up intellectuals.
Bans, bans, bans and more bans, with a vigorous defense of the same by their highly vocal and agressive minions, drowning voices of the frightened majority.
Widely acknowledged facts of ancient history of Bharat are buried in the muck of dogmatic rhetoric & bigotry of the Parivar. What the Senas of a state have practised for long, is being tried at the National level.
Deviding the students of the Nation with -
Lies, lies, lies and more lies. The bigger, the better; even lying in the hallowed
halls of the two parliaments :
After oppression by the shenanigans
led Rohith to take his own life -
Claim that Rohith was not a Dalit.
Rohith was forced to die by denying
medical care; notwithstanding the
testimony of Dr Rajashree, the
medical officer of the University, who
certified Rohith dead minutes after
he was found hanging in the hostel
room by his friends.
Kanhiya shouted seditious slogans;
notwithstanding certification by the
forensic truth lab at Hyderabad, that
three out of seven clips of the widely
aired video, were doctored;
notwithstanding the investigation
report by the district magistrate of
Delhi that no seditious utterances were
made by the students of JNU;
notwithstanding the observation of
High Court of Delhi, which has given
Kanahiya bail, that it found it hard to
believe the Delhi police's charge,
levelled on the students, based on sue-
motto evidence of doctored tapes.
notwithstanding reports by India
Today and Indian Express that
the tapes were possibly doctored by or
at the behest of Shilpi Tiwari, the
(dis?)honourable 'Irani' lady's
campaign manager in the last
parliamentary general elections.
The baring of fangs.
At an Agra meet, MoS HRD, Katheria & MP Babu Lal brand Muslims as traitors & demons and call for their extermination.
What did the actions of the Nazi Germany lead to?
Destruction of Germany.
My Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends of Bharat :
we need to seriously contemplate if we will allow the 10,000 years old civilization, of the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedanta, Srimad Bhagvat Geeta and countless others of our beloved country, to also be annihilated like the Nazi Germany.
Germany rose from the ashes of WWII with true democracy and united nationalistic fervour.
Whither India, with a strangled democracy, a warring divided house, a perverted imposed view of nationalism, retro-development and monsterous Goebelian lies, lies and more lies?
Note :
Who was the only person in the post nazi world, who applauded this unforgivable act of the Germans ? Who but our own 'Poojiya Guruji', as brought out in my last blog.
The fanatical followers of the 'Guruji' at last have the opportunity to practise it in this vast country called 'Bharat', also called 'India', home to 125 crores citizens; a 'Bharat' that they have usurped as only their own. The rest, who do not subscribe to their 'Guruji's' teachings, can go to hell, for all they care.
So, how did they begin ?
Step number 1.
Paralyse both houses of Parliament, while in opposition, in every which way, hold up hundreds of good legislations and then accuse the Govt of policy paralysis. They also do their damndest best to spread canards with lies and half truths.
Step number 2.
Select a man in the same image, who spreads mega falsehood on a macro scale, waves his majic wand and captures the hearts and minds of a large number of voting Indians, (31.34%), with his wild promises.
He did not even leave the Soldiers from his ambit, promising to bestow within 100 days of coming to power, any thing and every thing that they wanted the earlier Govts to give, only for his minions to subsequently say that it was the fault of the simple soldiers to believe election jumlas!
Not to leave anything to chance, he handpicked his alterego to engineer polarisation of the electorate by spreading intercommunity hatred, in state after state, before elections there.
He finally captured the seat of Power with a massive majority.
Step number 3.
Minions let loose to flood the Nation with waves of intolerance, terrifying, browbeating and bringing to submission every dissenting voice.Where law could not be applied, the minions either manufacture 'truth' or simply make themselves the law, with the real law looking the other way.
The minions include, not just lowly members of the 'Parivar', but even high ranking ministers of the Govt, inciting people to commit riot and arson, including killing in broad day light. As I have written in my last blog, not even a serving soldier's family has been spared.
The greatest of minds and honoured achievers of the Nation, including a Bharat Ratna Scientist, protesting the wave of intolerance, were labled co-conspirators in destabilsing the lawfully elected Govt.
The iron hand of the Govt suppresses any and every dissent, just like in the Nazi Germany; no one else matters, but 'The Man'. The others are only 'fill-in-the-blanks', meant to carry out the wishes of the master puppeteer.
He roams the world at will, selfying himself with world leaders, which he prompmtly tweets with. Wearing multiple 'mukhowtas' of rank falsehood, he pontificates at each station of halt, with his Anthonian oratory, before orchastrated crowds, beamed live by subservient prestitute media, which fools few in the Country.
That it takes more to run a Country as vast as Bharat, is being slowly, but steadily realised by the 'aam' janata.
Step number 4, (The failed trial of Delhi and Bihar).
In the absence of visible development and unkept promises, what had worked during the 2014 Parliamentary General Elections, subsequently failed to deliver in state after state; cries of, 'Pakistan may pathake bajenge' and 'Maine aap logoke liye ek laakh pachchis hazaar crore rupay diye hain!' notwithstanding.
People have seen through the falsified shows of the Madaari and his Jambhura.
Step number 5.
To break the unity of the people against him, the India's Hitler and his minions, undertake a planned 'make-or-break' endeavour to disintegrate different sections of the society, by running with the hare of development and hunting with the hound of bigotry. As a result -
Deliberate actions designed to bring down the status and the image of the only unsullied enitity till date - the Armed Forces :
A soldier graded below the central govt
The status of the Armed Forces brought
below even the most corrupt police
With nearly 50,000 highly trained
soldiers sitting on the sidelines at
Pathankot, as mere spectators, bring in
the NSG, (Under the overall directions
of the NSA), to eliminate just four
terrorists inside an Airforce base,
resulting in the death of seven brave
hearts. They even manufactured two
more terrorists, not a shred of whose
remains have been found in the
building reduced to rubble by the NSG,
despite intensive search by forsenic
Counter to the protests by trumped-up intellectuals.
Bans, bans, bans and more bans, with a vigorous defense of the same by their highly vocal and agressive minions, drowning voices of the frightened majority.
Widely acknowledged facts of ancient history of Bharat are buried in the muck of dogmatic rhetoric & bigotry of the Parivar. What the Senas of a state have practised for long, is being tried at the National level.
Deviding the students of the Nation with -
Lies, lies, lies and more lies. The bigger, the better; even lying in the hallowed
halls of the two parliaments :
After oppression by the shenanigans
led Rohith to take his own life -
Claim that Rohith was not a Dalit.
Rohith was forced to die by denying
medical care; notwithstanding the
testimony of Dr Rajashree, the
medical officer of the University, who
certified Rohith dead minutes after
he was found hanging in the hostel
room by his friends.
Kanhiya shouted seditious slogans;
notwithstanding certification by the
forensic truth lab at Hyderabad, that
three out of seven clips of the widely
aired video, were doctored;
notwithstanding the investigation
report by the district magistrate of
Delhi that no seditious utterances were
made by the students of JNU;
notwithstanding the observation of
High Court of Delhi, which has given
Kanahiya bail, that it found it hard to
believe the Delhi police's charge,
levelled on the students, based on sue-
motto evidence of doctored tapes.
notwithstanding reports by India
Today and Indian Express that
the tapes were possibly doctored by or
at the behest of Shilpi Tiwari, the
(dis?)honourable 'Irani' lady's
campaign manager in the last
parliamentary general elections.
The baring of fangs.
At an Agra meet, MoS HRD, Katheria & MP Babu Lal brand Muslims as traitors & demons and call for their extermination.
What did the actions of the Nazi Germany lead to?
Destruction of Germany.
My Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends of Bharat :
we need to seriously contemplate if we will allow the 10,000 years old civilization, of the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedanta, Srimad Bhagvat Geeta and countless others of our beloved country, to also be annihilated like the Nazi Germany.
Germany rose from the ashes of WWII with true democracy and united nationalistic fervour.
Whither India, with a strangled democracy, a warring divided house, a perverted imposed view of nationalism, retro-development and monsterous Goebelian lies, lies and more lies?
Note :
One of the remarks on my Blog, 'Whither India' coming my way says, "You are spreading poison in the Country".
While respecting the readers opinion, wish to clarify that every single issue mentioned in the Blog, has been borrowed from reports in the national media, including its facts and figures.
The blog under reference was written yesterday. Since today morning, listening to the debate on calling attention notice in the two houses of Parliament, it gladdens hearts to note that speaker after speaker, across party lines, (Except NDA), said the same thing in the same vein, bitterly criticising the Govt for following the modus operandi of the Parivar, for their politics of falsehood, for using the weapon of hate, division and polirisation; not even sparing the internationally acknoledged city of love, the city of Taj, one of the seven wonders of the World.
Hope many of us have also watched the debates in the two houses of Parliament.
Thank the esteemed gentleman for calling names; know that the message in the blog has driven home.
The BEST Summary of INDIA TODAY that I have read so
far.THANK YOU Mr Dhar !!
Mrs Christine D'Costa
21:44 (1 hour ago)
21:44 (1 hour ago)
I have been following our PM ever since he was CM of
Gujarat....and could see as clear as daylight how every
principle in the Nazi ideology was being slowly but surely
implemented in our country.
In fact over the last ten or fifteen years even the School
slowly REMOVED or shortened and shortened the
history of
Nazism and the Second World to ONE
!! and claimed that Hitler was the Victim rather
than the
Perpetrator of the WW II.
So those lies you speak about today, STARTED TWENTY
YEARS AGO. The Parivar's intellectuals' had infiltrated the
Education Department and the curriculum controllers first...
It was a battle for the Mind and Heart of India ......
which they seemed to be winning prior to the Votes.
Thank You once again,
And that's the speciality of BHARAT,in spite of such NAZIs who came to over power,BHARAT's sanskriti remained in tact without any dilution !
ReplyDeleteKEEP IT UP ' BHARAT ' Let millions of jealous be born,ten thousand old culture will always be appreciated,even if millions of SITARAMs or GAYARAMs try to dismantle IT by getting frustrated ! yes MERA BHARAT MAHAN,BANANA HI PADEGA.
Who in India follow the Bharatiya Samskriti? None, but these Sangh Parivar to establish their stand propagate themselves n its name not knowing the value of Bharathiya Samskriti and its real meaning. Meera Bharat Mahan, yes it is; but where is Bharat? We have India with diverse entities, divided in every respect, regions, languages, castes, creeds and what not?
DeleteYou have to agree that they do have a well trained propaganda machinery in place in all social media sites and some news
ReplyDeletemedias also which most half educated mass gobble up with out understanding and go on forwarding such false propaganda.
tha's exactly what I have been harping on. The goeblian Propaganda Machine. Where did Goebles's propaganda lead Germany to. Do we want to follow them?