Sunday, 13 March 2016

Pran Nath Dharni (As edited by Samuel Dhar)

To My Fellow Veterans : 

First, any mail which incites people towards hatred, violence etc should not be published on the site. This is with reference to the mail by Col N.K. Balakrishnan dated 23rd Feb,16. In this mail he has quoted 'The Guardian', on Pakistan Army's GHQ activities. 

First, it does not need reiteration that India is many times bigger & stronger, both militarily and economically, than Pakistan. It is, therefore, not really a threat to us and we should not react to each and every news from across, even authentic ones. 

Some of our political parties want to incite people against Muslims in general and Muslims in particular, quoting articles  with a view to divert attention from the main problems being faced by our people and to polarize votes. We should not fall prey to such machinations.

Secondly, while writing such pieces, we should never forget that India is a multi religious, multi caste and multi ethnic country.
In such a society, it is important that the majority should  help in making  minorities feel comfortable. In fact, this is THE sign of  an advanced society. A look around the  developed  world  would make us realize

Thirdly, my view on the happenings in the central universities, like JNU & Hyderabad,  is that to be nationalistic, a person should be a good human and a model citizen, that is, be honest, pay taxes, be un-corruptible, refrain from making false charges, be considerate towards fellow citizens, be kind to the poor and so on. 

Apart from the above basic requisites of a Nationalist, he/she should be prepared to defend the Country, if ever the need arises. 

I want to ask my fellow citizens of all hews and shades, how many of them fulfill the basic requirements of a Nationalistic citizen ? It should be any body's guess. 

About 31 %  of 54 crores who voted in the last Parliamentary general elections,  had supported the parties that form the NDA II Govt. Many of them are today disillusioned but the hardcore lay sole claim to Nationalism and denounce their remaining sisters and brothers, the vast majority, as anti-nationals. 

A moot question; how many of the mostly rich supporters of the GoI, honestly pay taxes?  Is it any wonder  then, that there is a disconnect between the average citizen and the cream of the Society.

Lastly, our focus at present should remain on justice to the soldiers through OROP and 7th  CPC. We should not be followers of any political party, keeping in mind our bitter experience of broken promises by successive governments, who have repeatedly humiliated and degraded  us beyond limit.

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