Saturday, 21 November 2015

Shree Kumar Menon
Shri D.K. Rai, a young officer from Accounts and Finance stream who had a deep insight into the financial matters especially, the defence. His knowledge about defence finance has been of great help to this Commission in determining the pay structure for the forces. He is a
young man and hold a long career before him and his insight into the financial intricacies of
the pay structure of the defence service will take him to great height.

the above is an extract from Acknowledgements by the Chairman of 7th Central Pay Comminution.
Shocking that a retired Justice would not have the Sagacity to understand the officially congenital bias of an IDAS officer and has relied on him to prepare the pay revision for the Indian Military. It’s like asking the Pakistanis to rate the fighting efficiency of the Indian Army. Mind you, they (the Pakis) may be more fair and objective than the Indian Babus.

The result is for all to see.

FIRSTLY: The Chairman should take his member to task for improper advice. The Pay Commission graphs titled “Defence Revenue Expenditure and % Share of Revenue Expenditure”: (Pg 119 6.1.20, 7th PC) is a misrepresentation of facts. It takes into account only .01% of the Defence forces that reaches the Lt Gen Rank and compares those 95% of Civil servants who reach Addl Secretary Level and attempts to present a façade of satisfactory remunerations to the Defence Personnel.
Was this intentional or mischievous?   This could have been validated if the Chairman had called for the Defence Revenue expenditure and segregated it into that paid for Military personnel and Civilians paid from Defence Estimates
SECONDLY: Ref ---Page 27 -- 2.1.1 This Commission is required by its Terms of Reference to make its recommendations keeping in view, inter alia:

(i)    The economic conditions in the country and the need for fiscal prudence;
Ex Servicemen have been agitating for One Rank one 
Pension for over 160 days now and the Govt. has been       
haggling with them to reduce days with the plea that OROP 
is fiscal Burden. Now we have a Pay commission that 
supposedly has deliberated as per its terms of reference 
(given above) and recommends OROP for all Gp A 
Central Govt. employees. Defies Logic?
(ii)   As per 7th PC details there are 99000 Gp A employees (33.02 lakh civilian employees of which 3% are in Gp A) and 66000 Military officers. Only 4000 of these 66000 Military officers will reach the Maj Gen/Jt Secy Level whereas 100% (i.e. 99000) of the Gp A Employees will be given OROP. What fiscal prudence is this? Has the Pay Commission just relied on the “Young” officer Members to present reports that satisfy their immature fetish of inter-departmental rivalry?
(iii)  And the WORST is that a Pay Commission becomes selective in presentation of Facts. For e.g. India is 32nd on the list of Countries compared in Defence expenditure as a percentage of GDP.
               Rank            Country              Military expenditures - 
                                                                 percent of GDP
              14               Armenia                       
              15               Kyrgyzstan
              16               Angola
              17               Morocco
              18               Singapore
              19               Colombia
              20               Swaziland
              21               Bahrain
              22               Namibia
              23               Pakistan
              24               Zimbabwe
              25               East Timor
              26               Iraq
              27               Georgia
              28               Ecuador
              29               Korea, South
              30               Ukraine
              31               United Kingdom
              32               India

It may be noted that Pakistan is at 23.
Source: CIA World Fact book. As of Jan 01, 2014 ( ) 
With such a low fiscal priority on Defence why do we want to claim Permanent status in the UNSC? Are we eligible?

 THIRDLY:  Ref Page 1 -Sanctioned Strength table 1. The 7th PC should have noted this anomaly where a 12 Lakh strong military has 3.9 Lakhs civilian staff as flab. Many of these posts could be held by Military personnel themselves as reservists. For e.g.  IAF Accounts Officers could man Senior IDAS posts and Technical officers could be in keys roles in DRDO etc.

FOURTHLY:  Ref Page 129 Graph and Para 6.2.19 --‘In fact the pay of defence service officers remains uninterruptedly higher for a thirty-two year period. Thereafter pay of defence and civil service officers are at par.

What a Gross Misrepresentation of Facts.

This is only for .01% of Defence officers who reach the level of Lt Gen/ Addl Secy. For 99% of Defence Officers the Civilian Gp A officer overtakes his Military counterpart by the 15th year of 
Service. Here it is pertinent to note that the Military Officers Qualifying Service commences on Commissioning whereas the Civilian commences his innings from the Training establishment.

FIFTHLY:  The Much Hyped about Aykroyds formula is only to determine the Minimum wages considering that Dr. Wallace Aykroyd stated that an average Indian needs 2700 calories (he specified proteins etc) and minimum wages is fixed at the present purchasing cost thereof for 2700 calories of food. Thereafter the tables are as flawed as the understanding of the originator. For e.g. Page 23 1.22 It is also recommended that the matrix may be reviewed periodically without waiting for the long period of ten years. It can be reviewed and revised on the basis of the Aykroyd formula which takes into consideration the changes prices of the commodities that constitute a common man’s basket, which the Labour Bureau at Shimla reviews periodically -A Pay Commission should be competent enough to have known that govt. servants are compensated for price revisions by way of Dearness Allowance and this Aykroyd mumbo jumbo is not required. Also if the Aykroyds formula was used for minimum wage determination then was the extra calories required by an Army Jawan taken into consideration to fix the Minimum Wages and move the Matrix up?

SIXTHLY: Ref Page 130, Para 6.2.24 Comparison of Purchasing Power Parity. These figures seem suspect. Why has the same not been used on the civilian side? If a global comparison was to have been done why was it mentioned that in other countries Pensions for the Military are 68% to 75% of last drawn pay. In the supposedly widely researched subject why was this omitted – or was it a commission? The lack of knowledge of the commission on Matters military has been amplified by the fact that the Comparison has been made between India, US and UK. The morale and satisfaction levels would be better applied to our immediate adversaries’ viz. Pakistan and China. Pointless doing a comparison with Swedish or Nicaraguan military. Incidentally only former Commonwealth countries like India and Pakistan have JCO ranks. US and UK have only up to Regimental Sergeant Majors so I wonder how this Subedar Major equivalent has been included.
In the US the PPP also includes allowances like Food Allowances etc. and the allowances are more than 50% of salary.


If it was so then we would not have had ranks like Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel (Page 193) or Lieutenant General (page331) being introduced. Thank God they didn’t suggest Leftinent Colonel and Rightinent Colonel.

We hope the Service HQs get Proactive and downright rejects all anomalies rather than leaving it for Veterans and future Veterans to fight it out in the Courts for years to come while they stand aside as self-serving spectators.


  1. Well said Sir. The 7 PC HAS NOT CARRIED OUT A SURVEY FOR THE CIVILIAN BUREAUCRACY AS THEY DID FOR THE SERVICES. Our services are rated as among the best in the world, while the Indian bureaucracy, is rated among the worst in the world and the worst in Asia. How come the worst rated gets the best salary and the best gets the worst salaries and pensions??

    1. Sir, you have hit the nail on the head.

    2. Sir, you have hit the nail on the head.

    3. An absolute methodical analysis. Today, youngsters are better off than oldies who struggle with their fixed manipulative ideas.
      Tkx for hammering the point. Rightly, said the TOP brass need to put their foot down- NOW AT LEAST

  2. Great expose of the the Commission! It is 900 pages of waste, effort, time and money (which include a holiday in Aus / NZ).

    For example, they recommend 'martyr' for the CAPF on the lines of the 'Defence Forces personnel'. They should have checked with the MoD - in an affidavit to the Delhi High Court, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and other ministries said the word ‘martyr’ was not used in the three services and “no such order/notification has been issued by the MoD to call martyr, (those) who are killed during duty. Similarly, no such notification has been issued by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for the CAPF and Assam Rifle (AR) personnel”. This was a new item on 13 November 2015!

    A sad comment of the present state of the policy makers!

  3. Any Indian Judge would know far less than the dumbest of the dumb, i.e. Indian Neta-Babus. No surprise here.

  4. Nation will get what it deserves. Faujis are being used as Cannon fodder. Let's move on and phase out. Young generations will not join fauj.

    1. Are we really so stupid to allow such injustice to us? Can nothing be done to these jokers? If we allow ourselves to be treated like this then we should keep our mouths shut and accept whatever they decide for us. What are our Generals doing? India is definitely heading for bad times.

    2. Generals are only worried about their settlement after retirement thats why they will not speak

  5. Nation will get what it deserves. Faujis are being used as Cannon fodder. Let's move on and phase out. Young generations will not join fauj.

  6. A replay of 1973. "Crisis over ....Soldier is slighted". Hope sanity prevailes and the draft is reviewed.

  7. If this type of deliberate effort to letdown the armed forces continue I hope these Netas n Babus.are not going to repeat the blunder admitted by the first PM

    1. This is same story repeated pay commission after pay commission. Services getting raw deals, and govt is mute spectator. every time.
      I hope that our services chiefs will rise to the occasion.

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  10. I at least don't know whether 7th CPC Report has Sorted out 'anomalies of OROP in one stroke' as some analysts suggest, but 7th CPC has definitely bowled a combination of googly and yorker. One doesn't know what will happen till it hits. Some of the setbacks especially for serving fraternity are as follows:
    Top end of basic pay of defence personnel has been depressed. (Earlier it was equal for the defence and the civilian counterparts.)
    No ration money for offrs in peace area.
    Traditional benefits like free 100 unit elec withdrawn.
    Though few availed forlogh but withdrawn. How emergency will be handled by indls not known as no provision of lve without pay.
    Most recommendations negated for forces.
    Siachen Allc increased by 1.5 times but civ allc for NE posting pegged at 30% of basic means increase by 2.57 to 2.78 times.
    Pay scale of Col & Brig squeezed in between without taking into acct length and equal status.
    No consideration for slow promotion, pyramid structure and traditional edge.
    It is high time that the Service Chiefs' stand up �� and show that they have a spine. Admiral Sureesh Mehta (I hope I got the name correct) had acted very strongly and even sought PM's intervention to upgrade Lt Cols Pay Band from PB3 to PB4 in case of VI CPC. They better intervene and act else the Armed Forces will get their worst set back. Implications are far-reaching and detrimental to National Security. Admiral Sureesh Mehta fought on behalf of the Armed Forces with Powers that be but was still appointed Ambassador. Also Gen K V Krishna Rao who walked up to PM for granting free ration for offices in peace area. He took his resignation along with him in case free ration not sanctioned. He too was made governor. This is now withdrawn. Chiefs must learn lessons and stand up now.

    1. You have quoted Admiral Mehta and Gen K.V.Krishna Rao. Yes it is right but for whose benefit they have done? When our pension was drastically brought down from 70% to 36% where were your all three chiefs.

    2. Pl check on you chronology Mohanan!

  11. Its high time all three service chiefs GOCs and DG of various arms and service meet and outwardly rejects all the recommendation. Gov't should be told in tough words the requirement of defence forces. It is indeed the need of hour to take tough stand or Defense forces will loose its charm..

  12. Great article. Well rehearsed. It is time for the senior officers ( Generals) to take cognissance and ensure issue is raised.
    Every ten years the pay commissions short charge the Armed forces. THE BABUS keep increasing their perks and pay. Can u imagine a Babu gets 35 percent of pay increase as deputation when he gets posted to North East or any difficult area. Are they not Indians and why should tax payers pay them extra for posting within India.
    The army works 24/7 in field areas. There is no concept of overtime. Our civilian govt employees incl DRDO. Etc all ask for overtime even if they have to spend a minute extra in office.

  13. Great article. Well rehearsed. It is time for the senior officers ( Generals) to take cognissance and ensure issue is raised.
    Every ten years the pay commissions short charge the Armed forces. THE BABUS keep increasing their perks and pay. Can u imagine a Babu gets 35 percent of pay increase as deputation when he gets posted to North East or any difficult area. Are they not Indians and why should tax payers pay them extra for posting within India.
    The army works 24/7 in field areas. There is no concept of overtime. Our civilian govt employees incl DRDO. Etc all ask for overtime even if they have to spend a minute extra in office.

  14. Great article .. v can appreciate the attempt of pay commission trying to emphasise more on MSP.. so many references for pension and pay for defence

  15. Forwarding as received --

    Leaked e mail from 7PC member to his IAS batchmate YK Yadav

    ( edited out unparliamentary language )

    Gave them what they deserved. The bastards join coz they dont get any other job. They are only Naukri seekers desperately looking for government job security. Then have the temerity to lecture the whole world that they are there to die for the motherland. Bullshit. They join as a Sarkari Naukri coz of abilities being on the lowest rung of the food chain. Unpadhs unable to get into any other Group A Service. GO DIE.... . Thats your job.... to protect us. No one asked you to join. You can leave if you want to......remember its a voluntary vocation....
    ......NO One called you here in the first place. So loosers..... dont compare just be thankful you got a Government job.
    Go and sit in Jantar Mantar with your Waiter Topis.... NO one gives a damn for you.

    1. Re the "leaked email" above : there is no YK Yadav in entire IAS ... fairly simple to check from ... it is yet another canard which, on being debunked, will finally hit at our own credibility. Our earlier victories like Dhanapalan case have all come through preparation and persistence ... let us stick to it. Politics and public opinion has never been our forte ... and we will only end up shooting ourselves in the foot if we attempt it. (OROP campaign a sad example).

  16. It is not time to sleep over on the recommendation of 7 CPC and accept it without taking up strongly. Do the bubus want officers standup in line for purchasing of ration and wasting time . Then forces must demand for over time and extra work alloc for performing duty in place of shortage officers in the units/ fmn HQ's. Also demand extra allac for duties not listed in the charter of duties. During performing of duties during IS or during Aid to civil authorithy, no mercy with bubus,politicians and bureoucrats. Gen Staff must fight for status and respect of officers. Any delay now will be a demoralising to the troops as well as to the officers cadre.

    1. Mr 'Unknown', can you please make yourself 'Known'?

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  18. Well researched article. Action, if required by d affected parties should be immediately and not after govt finalises d commission report. Waiting is wasting time.

  19. Well researched article. Action, if required by d affected parties should be immediately and not after govt finalises d commission report. Waiting is wasting time.

  20. Excellent SK Menon. Proud of your research and comments

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  25. Will our generals stand up?.....

  26. Such a sad state of affairs.government is touching the wrong nerve of defense must remember that there is a tolerance level for everything. imagine what happens if the country's defense forces go intolerant .

  27. Our generals will never stand up. Those that have spine never make it to the top, and those who do are just so bothered about their personal welfare that v the welfare of their men are farthest from their minds. Sad but we have leaders that we can't trust or respect, and they could not care less
    And neither does the country, the bureaucrats or the politicians..

    1. This will die it's own death like stale news we are just passing time here that's what indians are best known for every one for himslef don't expect anyone else to do ur job coz noone will

  28. Such a sad state of affairs.government is touching the wrong nerve of defense must remember that there is a tolerance level for everything. imagine what happens if the country's defense forces go intolerant .

    1. Anuj ,The situation as you imagine may be very bad for all of us and our beloved country.It is time serving Generals,Air Marshals and Admirals stand up and talk with open chest and walk upto PM or President to get it done what is best for the country and servicemen and veterans.GENERALS IT IS NOW OR NEVER.

  29. Our generals will never stand up. Those that have spine never make it to the top, and those who do are just so bothered about their personal welfare that v the welfare of their men are farthest from their minds. Sad but we have leaders that we can't trust or respect, and they could not care less
    And neither does the country, the bureaucrats or the politicians..

  30. Postings on the blogs is as good as crying miffed in the dark. Nobody knows whats your trouble. Why not write on PMs website grievance. Then we talk about courage of conviction as olq which in my opinion is lacking in most of IA officers.
    Nobody helps the one who don't help themselves.
    Best wishes.

    1. Since u r not a friend here, if u identify yourself, I might reply to ur presumptuous comment.

    2. As a young flight lieutenant i had the opportunity to meet Dr Abul Kalam in 2002. When i enquired about him about his stand on the nuclear tests he said" always remember strength respects strength. And it is even more important to show that you are strong". I think it's time to show.

    3. Dear Anish,
      I have three questions, before I reply to your comments.
      1. Are you still serving?

      2. Have you got a fb page and if so, in what name.?

      3. If you have a fb page, wouid you like to join us as a freiend?

  31. Sad but true. The responsibility for the plight of this nation rests solely on the bureaucracy. 99% of them have never worked in productive areas and have only superficial/bookish knowledge of how systems run. That is why they are egotists , selfish and corrupt to the core like their political masters. Unfortunately all important decisions lie with this group. How many bureaucrats have been penalised for the state of the nation.? They have cunningly and like parasites lived off the blood of this nation making the nation look sickly.

  32. The purpose of my postings is 2 make u aware of issues that affect d soldier. Pl carry on debating them so that we as a community r aware of d prevailing sentiments.

  33. Please post your objections to the PM s website and catch him on the man me baat if possible.I am trying others can also try.Action is required or we are stuck with a raw deal till 2026.

  34. Please post your objections to the PM s website and catch him on the man me baat if possible.I am trying others can also try.Action is required or we are stuck with a raw deal till 2026.

  35. If Indian Army decides to be inactive like these babus for a single day insurgents and mikitants from all sides will make the life hell in these country, it is because they become ready to die every day,peace persist here, so that babus and politicians can move freely in the comfort of metropolitan cities, and only the selected lot who willingly serve the nation are part of these armyand not the disguisted lot who spend lakhs and lakhs and find a job to survive, only difference is Defence is there to serve the nation while others are serving themselves.

  36. Next CPC (8th) we are likely to have Left_Right.. Tenant Cols. Take care

  37. Oh God This type of Social Media/Internet/Blogs were available at the time of 3rd Pay Commission passed by Same type of Babus only in 1973 also.I would have been having OROP @90/75% with me. ALAS

  38. In fact sir this pay commission has done nothing but enhanced the anomalies of the previous commission by a factor of 2.67. Lt Col n Col ranks are fortunate they multiplied theirs by a factor of 2.57☺ because they thought they were paid more last time. ..idiots

  39. In fact sir this pay commission has done nothing but enhanced the anomalies of the previous commission by a factor of 2.67. Lt Col n Col ranks are fortunate they multiplied theirs by a factor of 2.57☺ because they thought they were paid more last time. ..idiots

  40. If the IDAS guy was so smart he should be on wall street. What is he fiddling around in government accounts branch.

  41. My suspicion might be correct that 7CPC Report was actually ready in August but has been purposely delayed under false pretex of extension ,as FM wanted time to study it & having found not fitting into his scheme asked Chairman to make changes accordingly. FM was seen happy smiling at the occasion of Report submission.

    1. You are absolutely right Hardev, The Report has the loser FM written all over it

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    1. Whoever you are Mr Mash, you are a singularly ignorant person. Not only that you have no idea of the Indian Army, you are singularly ignorant of the entire Indian History, from ancient to Modern. This is not a place for 'cheepees'. This space is meant for serious debate, which you seem to be incapable of entering into. Before you post another comment, Kindly identify yourself fully and think before you write. Thx.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. excellent article by Mr Menon.....but some of the replies are so disappointingly, despondent, full of impotent rage ! the forces are supposed to be tough and innovative, so first take a deep breath, lower that were aiming literally aiming on your foot !! The law of unintended consequences has already kicked in...we shout ourselves hoarse over OROP...and lo and behold, the CAPF also gets it, along with their 60 yr of service! The central Govt employees are already going on a strike on 26/27th Nov, because of the meagre raise.... so let the pressure build up.We need the govt to first remove the anomalies of the VI pay commision...then factor in the OROP..and then finally have the 7cpc kick in.This will require a push from the veterans.....the serving brass, doubt has the the incination or time to fight on our behalf.

    1. Dear Mr Unknown, yesterday, I had requested you to kindly specify your identity while posting your remarks. Kindly do so while posting your next remark

  45. excellent article by Mr Menon.....but some of the replies are so disappointingly, despondent, full of impotent rage ! the forces are supposed to be tough and innovative, so first take a deep breath, lower that were aiming literally aiming on your foot !! The law of unintended consequences has already kicked in...we shout ourselves hoarse over OROP...and lo and behold, the CAPF also gets it, along with their 60 yr of service! The central Govt employees are already going on a strike on 26/27th Nov, because of the meagre raise.... so let the pressure build up.We need the govt to first remove the anomalies of the VI pay commision...then factor in the OROP..and then finally have the 7cpc kick in.This will require a push from the veterans.....the serving brass, doubt has the the incination or time to fight on our behalf.

  46. I am happy to see the the interest with which we are participating in the debate over 7th CPC recommendations. The exasperation of not only the veterans but also understanding citizens of theis Country, is understandable. Suggestions are welcome.

  47. My request and an earnst appeal to Govt of India :-

    (a) Kindly ascertain the credentials of the members of the commission lest they have served the interest of the nation less but those hostiles to it more.

    (b) The way they all have kept GUWAHATI above SIACHEN for granting allowances to Civilian Officers including PMFs (54ooo/31000) . A serving BRGI is intentionally being subjected to downgrade will not only retrogade the rank but
    demoralise the individual also.

    (c) Gross disregard to disability attributable to military service by the pay commission is a shear disregard to the very honesty,loyalty,sincerity and integrity of a SAINIK irrespective of rank to the command,Govt and nation as a whole. They have provisioned Night duty allowance,extraduty allowance,washing allowance ie allowance for 'a' to' z' even a civ employee if IAS goes to urinal that too gets him allce but a soldier even sacrifying himself will be defied.

    (d) Govt should sort out the anomalies timely otherwise have................?

  48. Well researched article. Babus seem to be all out to demoralise the Forces. 7 cpc is no different. Most institutions are crumbling in the country. Last resort always is 'call the Army '. God save the country when the Army fails you. Generals please wake up and take the cudgels and not forget the Chetwode motto.

  49. All that I can say is that Dignity & Image of Armed Forces is on the decline partially due greedy & selfish behaviour by some of us & of course by the spineless Officers who move up the ladder. Enemy, in this case the Civil Service, will indeed take advantage of our weakness & that is what is happening. God helps those who help themselves. We cannot expect bureaucracy or politicians to do us good

    1. Anil, you have spelt out a problem. Have a solution. Can you elaborate on, "God ....."?

  50. सर सारा ध्यान खास लोगो के नफे नुक्सान पर लगा दिया .. थोडा ध्यान 11 लाख jcos/or पर भी लगा देते तो अच्छा होता।

    1. शमशेर,
      मेरे लिये सब सिपाही हैं। हमारा फेस बुक पन्ना सिपाही कि मर्यादा और शान के लिये है। हम में से किसी को भी इस बाबत मालूमात नहीं है कि हमारे १३०० मेंसे कितने जवान हैं और कितने साहब। वैसे मैं कोशिश करता हूँ आपकी ख्वाहिश पूरी करने की।
