Tuesday, 24 November 2015

                   WHO ALL WILL HEAD THE ARMY                     IN THE NEAR FUTURE
                                                            By Dr. Suresh Mehrotra 
 Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 11:56:26 +0530 


As per highly placed sources in the Cabinet 
Committee on Appointments, (CCA), top slots of commanders in chief in the army are to be announced soon.  The Modi Govt has made it very clear that it will not disturb the laid down seniority principle for these appointments and the senior most eligible officers will be promoted, as has been the past precedence for many years. 

Three officers, Bipin Rawat, BS Negi and Sarath Chand have been cleared to be top commanders in chief in the army. All three are from the infantry stream. 
Bipin Rawat and BS Negi are from the 1978 batch, and are set to be given army commander status as several army commanders are retiring in the coming months. 

Rajan Bakhshi the top army man in Lucknow is retiring on Nov 30 and on Jan 31 next year, two more army commanders viz Arun Sahni and Ashok Singh will be hanging up their boots on the same day, making way for two more slots. With this in mind, the committee has also cleared Sarath Chand, of 1979 batch to take on the top appointment. 

Sarath Chand thus becomes the first officer from 1979 batch who will be given Army Commander status (in next February). The most interesting aspect of the Govt thought process is that it has decided to abide strictly by the seniority principle to avoid any unnecessary controversies. Sources say that the Modi Govt will not be violating the seniority principle for armed forces appointments. This means that the chain of succession for future commanders in chief is also clear. 

This is the famous chain of succession that, as per VK Singh, was manipulated in a conspiracy hatched by JJ Singh to ensure that his protégé Bikram Singh became arrmy chief. This was done by the date of birth episode of VK Singh, else he would have gone on to serve for an extra ten months paving way for SR Ghosh to get to the top and Bikram Singh would not have become chief.   

With the Govt set to follow the seniority principle, next year, in 2016, there will be four more officers stepping up to the topmost army hierarchy. On Jul 31 on retirement of KJ Singh, another cavalry officer DR Soni of 1979 batch will be granted status of army commander. 

A month later on Aug 31, the number two in army hierarchy MMS Rai will hang up his boots paving way for 1979 batch officer Surinder Singh of mechanised infantry branch to be granted army commander status (whilst someone from amongst the other army commanders will  be moved to Delhi to replace Rai). 

Two months later on 30 Nov 2016 the army’s top man in J&K, DS Hooda, will retire and this will enable the first army officer from 1980 batch to step up to status of army commander. As per seniority principle Hoodas replacement will be 1980 batch Devraj Anbu, a man of the infantry branch.

At the end of next year, on new years eve, Dalbir Singh Suhaag will bid aideu to the  uniform and Praveen Bakshi a cavalry man presently in Calcutta will take over the 1.2 million strong force. Stepping in to fill his slot will be Abhay Krishna from infantry stream who will become the second officer from the 1980 batch to reach the coveted status. 

Interestingly when Praveen Bakshi hangs up his uniform on 31 Jul 2019, it will be Devraj Anbu coming to Delhi to replace him as chief. Anbu will thus become the third officer from sikh light infantry branch to reach the very top after VP Malik and Bikram Singh.

In sharp contrast to 2016, in the year 2017 there will only be one top slot falling vacant when mechanised infantry branch officer PM Hariz hangs up his boots on 30 Nov 2017. Replacing him will be another man from sikh light infantry MM Naravane once again from 1980 batch. The 1980 army batch will be able to have its fourth   officer, R Chopra, also from infantry stream, who will be able to achieve army commander status when he replaces Bipin Rawat on 31 Mar 2018. 

The  chain of succession currently ends at 1980 batch (and at March 2018) because officers from 1981 batch are still major generals and it is only once the lieut generals from amongst them emerge that the seniority principle will get applied further. 

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