Sunday, 3 January 2016


What is the value of seven precious braveheart lives in the eyes of those who had 3000 innocent civillians murdered under their watch ?

What is the value of the lives of seven invaluable highly trained uniformed lives, the sepoys amongst whom have been graded below the lowly Central Govt peons, who do not even know which way to look up a gun or a pen.

NDA To UPAs I & II, (2004 - 2014): Terrorism and talks cannot go together, because you cannot hear anything in the din of flying bullets. You have to give a befitting reply to these neighbours - ten lives for each life; ten heads for each head; for each mis-adventure across the borders/LOC. You are anti-national and want to talk to the sponsors of terrorism across the borders.

NDA To the Nation (2014 - 16).   Talks must go on as the peace process can not be made a hostage to terrorism. Congress is anti- national and wants to sabotage the peace process through the talks.    

Jul 15, 2015 : Ufa agreement between Chappan Chaati and Nawaz Sharif, amongst much hugging and hand shakes -
'No Terrorism across borders'. But -

Jul 27, 2015 :  Gurdaspur attack on local police by terrorists from Pakistan.

Dec 25, 2015 :  Chappan Chaati's surprise visit to Lahore and his 'Jadu ki Jhappi' to our enemy # 1. But -

Jan 01, 2016 - Still Ongoing :  Attack by yet unknown number of ISI sponsored terrorists from across the borders, costing lives of 7 bravehearts, who, in the eyes of this insensitive Govt, belong to the Defence Forces, rated below even the police forces, and but for whom, the assets of the Pathankot airbase would have been destroyed by the fidaeens from Pakistan who, as I write this, are still engaging our security forces.

And yet the so called Champions of peace want the talks to continue.

Is some one trying hard for the next Noble Peace Award ?

So what if lives of soldiers have been sacrificed. They are, in any case, meant to die. No body forced them to be soldiers!

Why have the precious lives been lost? It happened because this inept Govt machinary does not know how to handle such a situation.

Despite repeated cases of intelligence faux-pas, their is still next to no coordination between the different agencies. 

The analysis at the top, of the gathered intelligence, leaves much to be desired, resulting in faulty follow-up action.

When the BSF, (border Security Force), was first raised and deployed at the Borders, its command and control in situ, was under the command of the Army. The coup obsessed successive govts, however, divested the Army of that command and control and placed even the border deployed BSF, directly under the HM. It was not just BSF but every centralised police force, deployed on and around the borders, has remained out of the Army's command and control, leaving wide gaps in the even otherwise porous borders, through which the terrorists from across are regularly slippinmg through.

When precious human resources of the
Defence Forces are needlessly and avoidably lost, what does it do to their morale ? 

When their CPCs repeatedly degrade the status of the Defence Forces and put them at the bottom of the rung of all the Central Services and deny them all benefits that the others enjoy on the grounds that the former are notan organised force, what does it do to their morale?

When the Father of a serving soldier is brutally murdered in his own home, allegedly by the son a BJP MLA and his goons, (As charged by the Police of UP), what does it do to the morale of the Defence Forces ?

When a serving soldier on leave is britally thrashed and murdered in broad day light, with impunity, by a village mob for trying to save the honour of a helpless woman, what does it do to the morale of the Soldiers ?

After repeatedly making solemn promises to the Veteran soldiers that, unlike the previous govts, he will give them OROP and every thing else that they so richly deserved, when his minions go around mocking at the same soldiers, saying, "It was all a chunawi jumla, not meant to be fulfilled; it was your fault to believe those promises"; what does it do to the morale of the Soldiers, both Veterans and the Serving ?

After receiving the windfall of fallen crude prices, slashing its import bill by more than US$ 60 billion per year, when Chappan Chaati goes around telling the Country that he has to rob the poor to pay the 'demanding' soldiers, what does it do to the morale of the Defence Forces ?

I call upon you my Sisters, Brothers and Friends of Bharat to rise up as one and bring this Govt down from its high horse and force it to act in a manner befitting our great Nation and its Defence Forces, the defenders of its safety and security.


  1. Comments of Cdr KK Punchhi, IN, sent through e-mail :
    I agree with you that India is dealing with Pakistan in a very ineffective way.
    They understand only the language of force and nothing else. They should be dealt with in the same manner that Gen BJ Pershing dealt with certain muslim terrorists. He did it once and did not have to do it again. Please click on the site below for full story. Also, I have highlighted in red a certain portion of it.

    The idea of subduing militant Muslims by threatening to bury them with pigs has held currency for many years. Just a few weeks before the September 11 terrorist attacks on America in 2001, Deputy Israeli police minister Gideon Esra suggested in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot that Palestinian suicide bombers be buried in pig skin or blood.

    It was yesterday or day before that I read a news item to say that the ONLY people the ISIS are afraid of is Israel. Now we know why.

    I have not been able to post my views on your blog because of technical reasons. Please feel free to use my email as u deem fit.

    Finally, a word of advice. I have seen you referring to NaMo as Chappan Chaati. I have seen others also doing it. Using such terms is cheap and beneath the dignity of a service officer. I suggest you do not succumb to this practice.

  2. My Reply to Cdr Punchhi :
    Thx for your comments. I, however, must point out to you that 'Chappan Chaati' is not my creation nor any third person. It is the person himeself who boasted of being a Chappan Chaati. Coming from an aspiring PM, it was cheap indeed!

    I am sorry that you were unable to post your comments on my blog site. It's a public place and any one is welcome to post his/her comments on what I post. the sole aim of the Blog, as also that of the fb page, where I have neafrly 1500 friends, within a period of four months, is, "Restoration of the lost Honour and Dignity of the Soldier", so shamefully snatched away, bit by bit, by successive govts, including the present one, over the last seven decades.

    It's time we fought for it, tooth and nail, before the Armed Forces get so degraded that they have to take recourse to measures that are unslodierly. We, including you and I, are soldiers too and we need to get so organised that the Govts will no longer be able to afford to call us 'Unorganised' and deny us the benefits that even their 'chaprasis' receive.

  3. Comments of Prof.Venkat Raman, (9483047155), received through e-mail:
    A rude awakening delivered by you to the present day government.Nice indeed.
    When will India follow Israel model of aggression?

  4. Comments of Col Pran Dharni, received through e-mail :

    Brilliantly and truly written. I agree with it 100 percent. When a person has character deficiency, nothing can be done about it. It is unfortunate if the person is our leader. In the western world a person who tells lies or makes false promises and makes false allegations against others can never be elected to any political post.

  5. The write up by Samuel, Prof Venkat Raman, Xdr Punchhi and Col Prem Dharni all indicate the futility of talking peace with the political heads of Pakistan who are always under the threat of possible coup. It is the Army which runs the show there. No amount of peace dialogues with Pak politicians have paid any dividend. Hence it is worthwhile considering to have the respective armies in the peace dialogue rather than simply leaving it to diplomats and and bureaucrats alone. If that also fails we should simply opt the language of force primarily starting with terror Training Centres in POK.

  6. You have put the hard facts for everyone to draw the correct inference.
    But Our Srs in Def Sers Themselves have totally failed Since 1948 to forcefully state what U have pointed out NOW?
    WHY?? Did they Place So mich of Trust in Politicians Who Believed in "AHIMHSA" thru out their Life.
    Kicking Out Brituish was a Diff Ball Game and Required Dii Tactics as Espoused by MGK Gandhi.
    But That Logic Was So badly Shattered Within 3 Mnths By PAK Attack in Kashmir. Resulting in Loosing 1/3 rd of Kashmir as POK. Again Due to foolichness of ONE IDIOT "JLN"!!
    Even Now DF have not been able to tackle POl n Chor babus Due to electio of WEAK CHIEFS who have Dirty Happeneings in their Cupboards n Used by Pol,n Babus of MOD to twist his TAIL n force him to Fall In Line and Obey Their JR def Secy and his chor babus.
    What Wud U expect from Such Nin Cum Poops to do for DF??
    That's Why Pol are playing on DFs subordination and projecting themselves as PEACENIKS WITHOUT SUBSTANCE??

  7. I fully agree, addressing your PM as Chappan Chhati seems uncivil and derogatory almost amounting to calling names.
    Personally I feel treating the terrorists the way Israelis did is a great suggestion and there is no reason why should we not follow a similar path, no pity and no human consideration, but then I know there will be thousands amongst us who will call the PM many more names. As it is he is already branded the chief of 'Intolerance' Brigade for no specific or known reason. Even you had penned down a detailed blog about intolerance without any specific charges. So if we follow the Israelis, heavens will break lose. And may be many more blogs, one ideologically contradicting another.
    As regards dialogue with the Military, how is it possible with democratic Govt in place in both the countries? And what outcome is expected out of interaction between the Militaries alone? What commitments can be extracted or given by either one?
    As regards war, we know, there are three stake holders in Pakistan on date namely, the Govt ie common man, the Military and extremists/ terrorists/ fanatics. At present each one is pulling in different direction; not a very happy situation for any neighboring country but imagine they all uniting together ideologically against India in case of war. War therefore would be the most irresponsible step in the current situation. No doubt, war may become inevitable at some stage but right now diplomatic negotiations is a better option.
    'No war' of course does not rule out strong punitive action at local levels to include 'hot chase' whenever need arises.

  8. Comments of John Abraham received through Web Site of Defence Veterans :
    5 January 08:59
    Well stated - but are the babus or the politicians bothered ? The need of the hour is :-
    - Spread Jantar Mandar to all states
    - ESM to jointly petition and force the serving Chiefs to resign in protest against non implementation of OROP
    - Boycott the Republic Day Parade

  9. When you have a former chief of army as a minister in the ministry of external affairs having NO SAY OR COMMENTs in such a scenario is it not evident enough how gagged the democracy is!!! Did he visit the martyrs families or it doesn't fall under his 'job profile' anymore?

  10. When you have a former chief of army as a minister in the ministry of external affairs having NO SAY OR COMMENTs in such a scenario is it not evident enough how gagged the democracy is!!! Did he visit the martyrs families or it doesn't fall under his 'job profile' anymore?
